
Music Masters

Music Masters believes that music is of inherent cultural value and that it can have a lifelong impact on the social, educational and cultural development of children and communities. Working towards a world where everyone has access to extraordinary music regardless of their background, Music Masters provides several inner-London schools with music lessons led by high quality teachers and the opportunity to be involved in a wide range of unique and exciting music projects. For more information on where Music Masters works and the specific projects and music activities we run go to

A school for the community

As demonstrated by our strap-line, Jessop Primary School is committed to working in close partnership with the community, providing excellent education for the local area. Throughout the year we organise a variety of community and fundraising events, designed to bring people into our school. We also work closely with our community of parents, listening to their opinions and ensuring they are happy with their child’s education. For more information on our partnership with parents, please click here.

“My child is thriving at Jessop.” Parent.

Brixton Learning Collaborative

The Brixton Learning Collaborative (BLC) is a group of schools working together to offer a range of services for children, families and other members of our community.

These schools are Effra Nursery and Children’s Centre, Hillmead Primary, Jessop Primary, Loughborough Primary, St Gabriel’s College, St John’s Angell Town Primary, St John the Divine Primary, St Saviours Primary, Stockwell Primary, The Michael Tippett School and the Evelyn Grace Academy.

Lambeth Schools Partnership LSP

Working together to sustain education excellence in Lambeth


The LSP is an umbrella organisation where the Local Authority, schools and settings can work in partnership to accelerate school improvement across the borough and provide professional challenge and support. It will co-ordinate, signpost to and broker a range of other providers offering training and traded support services which will be available via Lambeth School Services, Teaching Schools and Clusters.

More Details

The primary focus of the LSP will be on collaboration for school improvement for all schools, not just for those experiencing difficulties and on achieving the best educational outcomes for the children and young people of Lambeth. The LSP vision and values are at one with those of the Council, and its focus on improving outcomes for our children and young people is reflected in a commitment to specific, targeted outcomes. Further, school improvement is a system-wide endeavor. This proposal would make the LSP responsible for school improvement in Lambeth alongside core school improvement staff who are responsible for the statutory function. The Local Authority will retain its statutory duties to ensure school effectiveness, however, all partners will be expected to

  • Sign up to the LSP vision and values
  • Contribute expertise to partner schools
  • Be Willing to offer peer support
  • Share best practice
  • Elect through school clusters members of the Partnership Board
  • Provide feedback on services received whether paid for or in kind
  • Be willing to take responsibility for outcomes beyond your own school

To find out more please visit the website