At Jessop Primary School we believe that your child is unique and will bring a wide range of different experiences, skills and interests when they join school. Through our planning, resources and environment we aim to ensure that learning for your child is a rewarding and enjoyable experience. There will be plenty of opportunities to explore, investigate, discover, create, practice, rehearse, repeat, and consolidate their developing knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes. We have high expectations of all children, within a secure, caring and respectful environment.
The Early Years Foundation Stage encompasses the period of education from birth to the end of their Reception Year. This is a critical and very exciting time in a child’s development. At Jessop we follow the government guidelines for learning, development and care for children. This is called the ‘Statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’ and has at its core 4 overarching principles. These are: that every child is a unique child; that children learn through positive relationships; that they develop best in an enabling environment and that all children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.
The Curriculum
The Foundation Stage is organised into seven areas of learning:
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Communication and Language
- Physical Development
- Literacy
- Mathematical Development
- Understanding the World
- Expressive arts and Design
Personal, social and emotional development includes developing self-confidence and self-awareness, managing feelings and behaviour and making relationships.
This area of learning is vital for your child in all aspects of their life and it gives them the best opportunity for success in other areas of learning. At Jessop we aim to provide the support and experiences which enable your child to develop a positive sense of themselves and their respect for others. We actively use praise and encouragement to promote good behaviour and encourage all children in their efforts. A positive approach to discipline is paramount. Further information about our approach to behaviour can be found in Jessop Primary School’s Behaviour Policy.
Communication and language involves speaking, listening, attention and understanding. Developing effective speaking and listening skills is fundamental to all aspects of your child’s learning and development. The children will be encouraged to talk confidently and clearly, answer how and why questions in response to their experiences and develop their own narratives and explanations by connecting ideas or events.
Physical Development involves moving and handling and health and self-care.
We aim to improve skills of confidence, co-ordination, control, manipulation and movement. Physical development also helps the children gain confidence and self-esteem in what they are able to do. In our outdoor area children have the opportunity to explore and play with equipment on a larger scale, with a continuous focus on all seven areas of learning. Within Physical Development there is a focus on how we keep ourselves healthy and the importance of exercise as well as fine motor development associated with cutting, mark making and threading.
Literacy covers reading and writing. Children learn the letter sounds to read and understand simple sentences as well as using their knowledge of phonics to decode unfamiliar words. They also learn irregular words which they can then read by sight. They attempt to write simple sentences and are encouraged to use their knowledge of sounds to spell unfamiliar words.
Mathematical Development is divided into numbers and shape, space and measures. This includes counting, sorting, matching, seeking patterns and calculating, along with exploring shape, space and measures. We use rhymes, songs and stories to encourage learning. Emphasis is also put on developing their ideas and methods to solve practical problems. It is essential that children’s experiences in this area are enjoyable meaningful and purposeful.
Understanding the World involves helping your child make sense of the world they live in. This forms the foundations for later work on geography, history, science, design and technology, and computing. Our activities are based on first hand experiences, which encourage interest and curiosity. Children will learn to investigate, be curious, to show enthusiasm and experiment. Areas of learning are based around people and communities, the world and technology.
Creative Development involves exploring and using media and materials and being imaginative. Children are encouraged to use their imagination and creativity through a range of activities including role play, music and art. At Jessop we aim to provide a stimulating environment in which creativity, originality and expressiveness are valued.