At Jessop, Computing is taught as a discrete subject, weekly. Each class has a timetabled slot in the Computing suite, and this time is used for the teaching and learning of Computing skills and knowledge. The lessons are led by class teachers with the support of our dedicated Computing HLTA (Higher Learning Teaching Assistant). The Computing curriculum has been updated to reflect National Curriculum requirements and the children learn:
- Computer Science: developing computational thinking, programming and problem solving
- Digital Literacy: using computers effectively to communicate with others through a range of media
- Information Technology: the ability to use computers and computer systems safely and effectively (Including e-safety)
Additionally, children at Jessop are encouraged to use technology to enhance their learning in other subject areas. This Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) encompasses the use of iPads for the creation and consumption of digital media such as webpages, music and games. It also includes the use of cameras, sound recorders and microscopes across the curriculum.