Lower Key Stage 2

Assistant Headteacher LKS2

Martinet Ackermann

Year 3

Auutmn Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025

The latest Year 3 Learning Update!

This term, the focus of our learning will be ‘Ancient Civilizations’.

In English, we will explore genres of writing and identify playscripts based on their specific features. We will familiarise ourselves with traditional stories and write a script to turn the beginning into a play, before looking at Cinderella.

In Maths, we will continue to explore place value with a focus on partitioning 3 and 4 digit numbers into hundreds, tens and ones, and finding more and less. We will then begin estimating numbers on number lines to 1000.

In Science, we are exploring the work of Friedrich Mohs. We will be researching his life to write biographies and then using the ‘Mohs Hardness Scale’ to test and classify rock.

In DT, we will explore a range of pop up books and study how they are made as well as exploring different styles of graphics in order to choose one for our books. We also visited Carnegie Library to look at pop up books!

In Humanities, we will be exploring artefacts from Ancient Egypt and asking and answering questions such as ‘what could this be?’ and ‘Who may have used it?’. We will also begin discovering different types of maps and their purposes.

Swimming will also begin this term. We also want to encourage you to read with your children daily and ensure they have their reading records in their bags for 1-1 reading at school.

Year 4

Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025

The latest Year 4 Learning Update!

In the upcoming weeks, the children will embark on an engaging and diverse learning journey across multiple subjects. In English, we will delve into the intriguing Roman myth of ‘Romulus and Remus.’ Children  will explore this ancient story, plan their own creative retellings, bringing both their understanding and imagination to life.
In Mathematics, our focus will continue on place value. Children will develop their skills in representing and partitioning numbers up to 10,000. This will solidify their numerical understanding and enhance their ability to tackle increasingly complex mathematical problems.
In Science, we will turn our attention to the human digestive system. Students will investigate how the different parts of the digestive system function, gaining insights into the processes that allow our bodies to process and absorb nutrients from food. This exploration will foster a deeper appreciation of human biology and the importance of a healthy digestive system.
In Art, we will explore of Roman coins. Children will study these historical artefacts and practice their sketching techniques, creating there own clay coin.
In History, we will uncover the factors that contributed to the success of the Roman Empire. Students will learn about various elements that led to its expansion and dominance, creating leaflets about the Roman Army.
We are excited for the weeks ahead, filled with rich learning experiences and opportunities for discovery across all subjects! The children have created beautiful Topic Title pages at the start of the term.