Assessment at Jessop


At Jessop Primary School we hold high expectations of all our pupils in their ability to fulfil their academic, physical, vocational, social and emotional potential. We understand the importance of providing a diverse, broad and balanced curriculum that supports children to acquire a breadth of knowledge and develop a range of skills during their schooling. We pride ourselves on endeavouring to meet the needs of all our children and of providing layers of support and challenge, as appropriate, to facilitate growth of the whole child.

The achievement of this holistic approach to progress and attainment relies, in no small part, on the rigour and robustness of our assessment systems. We understand that the delivery of a comprehensive curriculum is dependent on regular, effective forms of monitoring and accurate processes to capture and analyse our children’s achievement.

We set aspirational end of year and termly SMART targets to drive our children towards achieving challenging goals.  We conduct both formative and summative assessments and hold termly learning reviews to gauge and monitor each child’s progress. Skilled analysis of termly data enables us to implement purposeful interventions and we use smaller class sizes to further support and extend the development of our children in all areas of the curriculum. Assessments of children who populate key groups are closely monitored to ensure that any gaps in attainment or progress are closed at the earliest opportunity. As a school, we believe in the importance of accelerating children’s progress and our bespoke assessment frameworks for Reading, Writing, Maths, Science and the Foundation subjects provide opportunities to propel children to reach the expected standard and go beyond to achieve at greater depth. We work closely with external agencies, such as Speech and Language Therapists and Educational Psychologists, to ensure we meet the varying needs of our children and to maximise the use of strategies to support them.

We place significant importance on the training and development of our teachers and support staff in understanding the assessment frameworks and processes across our school’s partnership. Whole school INSETs, staff meetings and phase meetings, as well as external courses, are utilised to provide high quality CPD sessions to upskill staff on how to conduct and interpret assessments in order to support and challenge children effectively. Digital platforms are used to record and collate assessments, which enable teachers, support staff and SLT to identify gaps and gauge each child’s progress, such that they can be supported or challenged appropriately. Ultimately, the range, frequency and triangulation of assessment across Jessop ensures that all children are closely monitored in order to maximise their potential across the broader curriculum.

School priorities

·         100% of children to make at least expected progress in the Core and Foundation subjects from their starting points, with many children making accelerated progress.

·         At least 85% of children to reach age related expectation in each year group across the Core and Foundation subjects, with at least 30% of children achieving above the expected standard.

·         The development of children’s reading skills to be targeted through intervention, age related assessments and the provision of online reading platforms to ensure all children reach age related expectation

·         Key groups to be identified, targeted and monitored to ensure gaps in progress and attainment are addressed and diminished.

·         An assessment framework exists to capture attainment and progress in the Core and Foundation subjects, to reflect children’s skills development across the curriculum each year.

·         Assessment frameworks are robust, comprehensive and are routinely followed by all staff and are monitored termly by Senior Leaders.

·         Parent consultations, target setting, data analysis and Termly Learning Reviews all contribute to enable all stakeholders to support the development of every child in every subject of the National Curriculum to achieve their potential.

·         Formative and Summative assessment is gathered and collated to inform planning, interventions and targets in order for children to be appropriately supported and challenged.

Teachers, support staff and senior leaders are confident in their understanding of Jessop’s bespoke assessment framework and they are able to use assessment strategies and procedures to effectively measure children’s progress and attainment.INSETS, staff meetings and external courses are utilised to upskill staff regularly on the bespoke Core, Foundation and Intervention assessment tool.


Monitoring, through lesson observations, book scans, learning walks and assessment audits, is carried out and triangulated to ensure assessment processes are being carried out by teachers and support staff accurately and effectively.


Target Setting Meetings, Subject Steering Groups, Phase Meetings and Assessment Meetings are utilised to secure high expectation of children.


Moderation is conducted termly to ensure class teachers across the Partnership have a clear understanding of the assessment tool and the expectations for age related and exceeding for each curriculum subject in their year group and the year groups above and below.


Appraisal and supervision meetings ensure the expectation of whole school attainment and progress targets are disseminated clearly and CPD can be put in place where necessary for support.


Termly Learning Reviews facilitate progress discussions between teachers and Senior Leaders for all children across the school, which enables early identification of need, support and focus to ensure children achieve end of year targets.


Fortnightly book scans are conducted by the Senior Leadership Team to ensure children are making progress, the breadth of the intention of the curriculum is being delivered, high outcomes for children are being secured and staff receive timely support where this is not being met.


Data shows that whole school attainment and progress is in line and, in some year groups, exceeds whole school targets of 85% of children attaining at age related and 30% exceeding and 100% of children making expected progress from their starting points.


Assessment audits reflect that the school’s digital platform for assessment, Classroom Monitor, is being used accurately by teachers and support staff to track what children have achieved, meaning gaps are identified early so planning and intervention can be used to help children bridge any difference.


Book Scans, Lesson Observations, Learning Conversations and Learning Walks confirm that the formative assessment that teachers conducts enables them to consolidate learning and move it forward so children are making optimum attainment and progress.


The quality of the school’s curriculum is outstanding.


End of Key stage meeting expectation outcomes are above National and high.


End of Key stage exceeding expectation outcomes are above National and high.


End of Key stage combined exceeding expectation outcomes are above National and high.

Assessment procedures are comprehensive and robust to enable all stakeholders to identify gaps in learning, drive attainment and progress and ensure strong outcomes across the curriculum.A bespoke assessment tool for Reading, Writing, Maths and Science, provides a clear demarcation of attainment and enables a definitive measure of progress.


The Foundation Subjects Assessment Framework has been developed and introduced to ensure teachers can capture the attainment and progress of children across the broader curriculum.


Interventions are monitored and amended as a result of an intervention assessment tool which measures the attainment and progress of children across academic, social, emotional, behavioural and physical intervention groups.


Termly learning reviews, additional teacher and Inclusion meetings enable the identification of focus groups and allow SMART targets to be devised and shared to ensure any gaps in attainment or progress are addressed and children are being stretched to fulfil their potential.


Monitoring, through lesson observations, book scans, learning walks and assessment audits, is carried out and triangulated to ensure assessment processes are being carried out by teachers and support staff accurately and effectively.


LA and in house data reflects that a high percentages of children achieve the expected standard in reading, writing and Maths (both individually and combined) at KS1 and KS2 SATS and a significant percentage achieve above the expected standard.


Recent progress data reflects that children in Year 6 make progress well above the national average of +4.6 (Reading), +3.3 (Writing) and + 4.5 (Maths), which has put the school in the top 3% of school’s across the country for children’s progress.


Children in different key groups and those with specific needs make expected and above expected progress as a result of rigorous assessment and targeted support.





Each pupil’s wellbeing and learning behaviour is nurtured to ensure high levels of engagement and strong outcomes across the breadth of the curriculum.Targeted CPD, INSETS, staff meetings and external courses are utilised to upskill staff on strategies to promote growth mindset and nurture well-being.


Growth mindset and resilience is a key aspect of the school’s teaching and learning model and is monitored through lesson observations, book scrutinies and classroom audits.


Leuven scale assessments are recorded and collated termly in each year group to assess cohort and whole school well-being.


Interventions are utilised to support and develop children’s social, mental, physical and emotional health.


Interventions are monitored and amended as a result of an intervention assessment tool which measures the attainment and progress of children across social, emotional, behavioural and physical intervention groups.


Class teachers use Zone of Regulation, in tandem with school behavioural systems, to support children in their ability to manage their own needs and behaviour and positively impact their learning.



SIA & Ofsted monitoring visits have testified to the school’s focus on nurture and the high levels of engagement that have been seen by children across the school


LA and in house data reflects that a high percentages of children in Reception achieve a Good Level of Development. In addition, a high percentage of children achieve the expected standard in reading, writing and Maths at KS1 and KS2 SATS and a significant percentage achieve above the expected standard, reflecting high levels of engagement with learning.


Leuven scale assessment data reflects that across the school, 90% of children present as being level 3 -5, reflecting positive well-being


Learning conversations with children & parent survey feedback show that the school community feel that the school is nurturing and inclusive and it supports pupil well-being.