Jessop School Nursery provides full-time and part-time places with the option for parents to pay Top-Up to a full-time place as well as wrap-around care from 8 am to 5.45 in our Breakfast and After School Clubs.
If you are interested in sending your child to Jessop Primary School or would like to find out more about our learning environment, please call us on 0207274233 to arrange a personal tour or for more information on how to apply.
Criteria for Admission to Nursery
Children are entitled to 15 free hours of Nursery provision per week. We offer free part-time and flexi time Nursery places with an option to pay a top-up fee to increase to a full-time place (details of the top-up fees are available from the school office). Free full-time places are offered only to children who meet certain criteria, details of which are given on our application form, also available from the school office.
Some FREE full-time places are available if children meet the following criteria;
- Children who are looked after, or who have an allocated social worker who has written support of the need for a full-time place as part of the Child’s Plan at that school.
- Children who are recommended a full-time place by a Team Around the Child (TAC), Locality or Disability Panel.
- Children in circumstances where the Headteacher considers a full-time place should be provided. To ensure quality across the borough the following criteria must be met first:
- children who are eligible for free school meals or newly arrived or asylum seeker
- evidence to demonstrate that home circumstances could significantly affect a child’s well being
- In line with DfE guidelines, we are now offering 30 hours of free flexible educational childcare for 3 to 4 year olds. Please apply via this link this will depend on you(r) partner’s employment income/s.
Note: Children who are accepted into the Nursery do not have an automatic right to a place in our Reception classes.
For Nursery admissions please download the application form here. Contact the school to check availability.
Admission Arrangements for pupils with SEN or disabilities
Please do not complete a Common Application Form (CAF) if your child has a statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education Health Care Plan. Please contact your home borough’s SEND Team for details about applications for primary school.
Admissions to Reception or In Year Transfer (yrs 1 to 6) Applications
For admissions from Reception to Year 6 please click here to access the Lambeth primary schools admissions booklet. Forms can also be collected from Lambeth’s Customer Service Centre (Brixton), Ground Floor Olive Morris House, 18 Brixton Hill, London SW2 1RD. You will also need to contact the local authority to find out about your admission and appeal arrangements.
Jessop will consider siblings of pupils at the school on a priority basis. Pupils will then be allocated places based on their proximity to the school.
To view the Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage Powerpoint Click here
To view the Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage Video Click here
Please note that when filling out an application form we also require parents/carers to complete the Pupil Information Form that can be picked up from the school main office.