
22 AprilChildren return to school

4 AprilChildren finish school 1.30pm

1 AprilValue of the month is ‘Resilience’

29 MarchDad’s Club

28 MarchLadies Appreciation Afternoon

28 MarchLion Class Assembly

27 MarchSpring Enterprise Event

26 MarchTopic Dress Up Day

26 MarchParent Consultation and Exhibition of Work

26 MarchMusic Masters Creative Composition Y3 Gorilla Class

26 MarchParent Consultation

24 MarchMusic Masters Music Festival all parents

24 MarchEnterprise Week

21 MarchSpring Enterprise Event

21 MarchSpring Disco

21 MarchNursery Panda Class Assembly

21 MarchWorld Poetry Day

21 MarchWorld Maths Day

21 MarchComic Relief Wear Something Red

17-21MarchSpring Enterprise Week

13 MarchSEND Coffee Morning

13 MarchY2 Southbank Centre Bright Sparks Concert Trip

13 MarchHeight and Weight Rec and Y6

12 MarchMusic Masters Coffee Morning all parents

10 - 14 MarchScience Week

7 MarchInternational Women’s Day Talk with Ms Parker

7 MarchY3 Gorilla Class Assembly

7 MarchInternational Women’s Day

6 MarchParent Reading Drop-In

6 MarchWorld Book Day – Dress Up Day

4 MarchY3 and Y4 Multiplication Meeting

3 March-7 MarchInternational Women’s Week

1 MarchValue of the month is ‘Caring’

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Welcome to Jessop Primary School

Welcome to Jessop Primary and thank you for visiting our page. Jessop Primary school is an outstanding 2 form entry school located between Herne hill and Loughborough Junction. The School is OFSTED graded outstanding and over the past 9 years has delivered excellent curriculum provision as well as pupil outcomes well above the national and local average year on year.

What makes Jessop so unique?

At Jessop, pupils are central to the learning process. On a daily basis, pupils review their own outcomes, celebrate their achievements within each specific lesson and also identify their targets for the subsequent lesson. This is a daily occurrence that ensures that teaching and learning is a pupil led process.

Pupil’s voice is central to the ethos of our school. We hold the belief that whilst teachers come and go, pupils and parents remain with the school and the community. The best guarantee for a school’s future is the extent to which pupils and parents play a direct role in the life of the school. Through roles such as peer mediators, prefects, friendship buddies and play leaders are essential to the daily running of the school.

Musical enrichment is also at the heart of our school. All pupils receive weekly opportunities for dance lessons, access to musical instruments, and access to classical instruments such as the violins and the cellos. Through our long standing partnership with London Music Masters, pupils have enjoyed unique opportunities to perform at venues such as the Royal festival hall, working with renowned musicians.

Jessop is a value school. Our core value is one of inclusion. We are made of Pupils of all social circumstances, all backgrounds, pupils with a variety of health needs and pupils with a range of social advantages. All pupils at Jessop find avenues to pursue their passion and embrace the experiences that they enjoy. Our diverse community of pupils is reflected amongst the parent body as well as the staff team. This is an asset for those that genuinely desire for their children to grow up in a diverse community where children of different backgrounds grow in an environment where they are able to learn from one another.

Should you embark on your learning journeys at Jessop, you will find yourself among a community of companions, with whom you will share a lasting educational experience, that will help you to prepare to take your place in the community.