Jessop Children Centre
About Us
Our very own Children’s Centre, located next to the school building and provides a great foundation for learning by offering free and extensive activities and support services for families with children under the age of five.
The Children’s Centre offers a whole host of fun sessions from baby yoga to cook and eat sessions, as well as advice and training courses including a Citizens’ Advice Bureau, speech and language therapy and First Aid Training. Our dedicated and enthusiastic team of staff provide a safe and welcoming environment and we encourage families to come and visit us to find out more about the support and services available.
We look forward to meeting you.
You can also view our COVID-19 Risk Assessment here.
Our sensory sensations group runs on a Thursday afternoon, 1.30 till 3:30pm. It is a play session for babies and young children with complex needs. The parents that attend the session made a film about their time at the group and the experiences their child has had.
Information about the telephone support Lambeth children’s centres are providing for families of young children can be found here – under children’s centres.
If you need support around any of the issues listed you can fill in the online referral form or call the telephone number, once the referral is processed somebody will be in touch.
We are pleased to announce that in September 2016 Jessop Primary School and Children’s Centre opened a pre-school for two year olds entitled to the 15 hour free early learning funded by the government, with a limited amount of paid spaces.
Jessop Pre-School
The pre-school will be in Jessop Children’s Centre and will open Monday to Friday 8:45 till 11:45am, on a term time only basis, we will have space for 16 children.
If you would like more information or you would like to put your child’s name down please call 0207 737 5164, pop into the centre or email us on
Please click here if you would like to print off and complete an application form to put your child’s name down. Please complete the application form and bring it into the children’s centre, with your funding approval letter (if your child is eligible), your child’s birth certificate and a proof of address.
If you are not sure if your child is entitled to the funding, you can contact the centre on 0207 737 5164 and make an appointment to see our outreach worker or click on this link which will allow you to complete an online process to see if your child is eligible.
Contact Details & Closures
Jessop Children’s Centre is open 48 weeks a year.
Monday to Friday 8.30am till 4.30pm
Jessop Children’s Centre
Lowden Road
SE24 0BJ
Telephone Number : 0207 737 5164
Email Address:
Advice & Support
At Jessop Children’s Centre we offer a range of advice and support service for families within our community.
For information on any of the following service please call the Centre.
Outreach Service: Our Outreach Worker is available to meet with you or visit you at home to give you information about Children’s Centre services and offer support and advice on a wide range of family issues including; benefits, debt, housing, childcare, health and wellbeing.
Foodbank Vouchers: We are able to issue vouchers for the Norwood foodbank for families who are facing financial hardship.
Employment and Training Advice: Women Like Us are an employment advice service for parents in receipt of benefits, who would like to return to work and training. They are able to help with job searching, applying for jobs, CV writing and much more. They offer one to one advice and provide on-going support.
Child Health: We work very closely with health professionals in our community. The health visiting team deliver developmental checks by appointment at the Centre. If you would like to book one of these, please call the centre and leave your details. Our Children’s Centre midwife runs a weekly ‘milk spot’ at the Centre. Mothers can come along to get advice and support if they are experiencing difficulties or want more information on breastfeeding.
Attending our Children’s Centres
Please click here to view our rules on visiting our Children’s Centres.
Activities & Events (Programme)
Jessop Children’s Centre offers a variety of activities and sessions for families living within our local community with children up to the age of 5 years. We work in partnership with parents, carers, children and providers to ensure that we meet the needs of our local community.
What’s on offer?
- Play Sessions
- Adult Learning Courses
- First Aid Sessions
- Family Learning Course
- Breastfeeding Services
- Parenting Courses
- Employment and Training Services
Please see our current programme of activities to find out what is on offer this term. If you would like more information on any of the activities we have going on please pop in to see us or call on 0207 737 5164.
Find out more about our Natural Thinkers sessions.
In April 2015, Jessop was asked to host a visit of a group from Denmark which included local Councilors, Children Services leads, and Childcare Representatives. More about the Denmark Visit.
Ofsted Reports
Jessop Children’s Centre was re-inspected in May 2021 and we are very pleased to let you know that Ofsted graded the centre as OUTSTANDING in all areas.
Please click here to view our latest Ofsted report.